❓Is your herd facing these common challenges❓
🐄Post-Calving Stress: Tired cows, slow recovery, and reduced milk production.
🐄Reproductive Issues: Delayed heat cycles, poor fertility, and low conception rates.
🐄Mastitis and Udder Health: Inflammation, infection, and reduced milk quality.
If you answered yes, Don’t let these challenges hold your herd back
Humic and Fulvic Acids can help with multiple challenges during these periods such as
➡️Faster Recovery: Quicker bounce-back after calving.
➡️Improved Fertility: Healthier cows, more pregnancies.
➡️Stronger Immune System: Better defense mechanism against mastitis and other infections.
➡️Optimized Nutrient Absorption: More efficient feed utilization and much more
♻️HUMAC Supplements